
Pictures & Words | Jim Kofron Photography | Jim Kofron

Pictures & Words

A Pack Pact...

I love football. I love watching football, especially the NFL. But, I will no longer watch football until the regular referees are back. Sunday's afternoon games were bad, but the Monday night game was just atrocious.

Curly Coated Retriever Speciality coming soon…

I'm getting sick of framing, but the trophies are looking pretty sweet...


Speaking of the one...

Here's the first day of school. He looks a little less than thrilled! Little did he know—his first day of 8th grade would be filled with "How to Behave in Lines" and "How to Behave in the Bathroom" lessons. For 8th grade?!? Really???

I feel a rant coming on.

Copyright 2014, Jim Kofron. All rights reserved.