
A busy weekend | Jim Kofron Photography | Jim Kofron

A busy weekend

So, we were gainfully occupied this weekend. After a Saturday morning dump run, Jen and I headed up to school to set up for a photo shoot for her drama kids. The play this year is titled Dr. Evil and the Basket of Kittens. It promises to be a lot of fun. We got through shooting 8 kids, so next Sunday will be a bit busier (I think there are 20 this year total). After that work, I headed to church to cantor the 4 pm mass. And for dinner, we headed out to Deanna and Randy's place for some of the best lasagne I've ever had. A bit of wine flowed, I told many exceedingly long stories—and the girls were starting to doze off by the time we called it a night. Randy was my hero—he had flown in from Orlando and had arrived just before 6 pm, so he couldn't have had more than a half-hour to himself before we showed up. It was a great time and we really enjoyed it.

In fact, I enjoyed it perhaps a bit too much. Sunday morning rolled around and I had 8 am choir duties at St. Francis Xavier. It was a good thing that everything I was singing this morning was in the lower range. When I got home from church, I made biscuits for Jen and Noah—Grace was in Chicago this weekend showing at the International. After cleaning up breakfast dishes, we started to attack the living room painting for real. We took down all the paintings and photos, moved all the furniture out of the room, and then I worked on fixing the drywall seams at the top of our cathedral ceiling with some fiberglass drywall tape and mud. It's a pretty decent size job—about 26 feet long (two of them) at 17 feet high. The scaffolding came in handy. Hopefully we'll get this finished in a day or two and be able to paint the ceiling and end wall next weekend.

And so it goes...

Test photo of unnamed subject.

Copyright 2014, Jim Kofron. All rights reserved.