
Everyone is Getting Sick of Winter | Jim Kofron Photography | Jim Kofron

Everyone is Getting Sick of Winter

It’s like a bad advertisement for ‘Game of Thrones’ this year. I’m working from home today because a moderate snowfall was forecasted to hit, especially during the afternoon. I was up in the kitchen making some tea when I noticed a ‘kitty’ walking towards the house from the driveway. Now I could only see the top line of the beast, and it looked a little like our Siamese—but as it got closer, it appeared to ratty to be one of our cats. And when it turned the corner to come up to the porch, it looked too ratty to be a cat, period!


Let’s just say the poor thing wasn’t thrilled about being cornered by a guy toting his new compact camera! After I snapped a few shots, he scooted back out into the wild white yonder.

Copyright 2014, Jim Kofron. All rights reserved.